Articles, ideas and scribblings of interest to people who want to improve their businesses with talented people, world class processes and appropriate technologies - no matter what size the business.
When IT Projects get in the Way of Business Transformation
Given the potential benefits to the business of these projects, it is not hard to get business support and sponsorship, as well as engagement of resources from the business side. However, expectations are normally high, and a clear understanding by the business of the rigor and methodology around IT projects is not always understood. The implementation of an enterprise IT system of this scale needs to follow a methodology that ensures that the rest of the systems are not impacted, and that good IT and project governance is followed.
So what happens when the requirements imposed by good IT governance slow down the delivery of the benefits of the business transformation project? Furthermore, how often do we see IT procedures and policies used in the name of good IT governance, that do not make sense from a business point of view? Does project methodology constrain business process improvement?
Good project governance around IT projects reduce risk. At the same time, they transfer some of 'ownership' of the solution from the business to IT; reduce the level of engagement of business; and extend project timelines and cost. Balancing business expectations with IT governance is a challenge.
Here are some of the key project aspects that we addressed to tackle this challenge on our project.
- Employed an iterative project approach. This ensures that small successes can be delivered to the business, and subsequent work can build on each project deliverable.
- Clear communications and business engagement. This manages expectations realistically, as well as ensures that project team stays close to business needs.
- Well defined and communicated project milestones supported by a well maintained project plan.
- Strong functional team leads who understand business processes and requirements; the technologies being deployed; and good IT governance, methodologies and tools.
Making the Business Impact Matrix the foundation of a Change Management Program
So the Key Elements of the BIM are:
- Defined Change.
- Identified Impacted Groups
- Risks of not Changing
- Actions to address Risks
- Opportunities of Change
Opportunities will support the Value Proposition that needs to be part of the communication around the change. The BIM will help guide the Value Proposition by impacted group, making communication to specific audiences more effective.
Applying LEAN to ERP System Implementations
LEAN methods have been applied to software development. LEAN methods, or Agile methods use development iterations during software develoment. These methods minimize risk by developing software in short pieces over short periods. These short development project pieces, or iterations allow for logical pieces of functionality to be developed; the bugs to be ironed out; and for project priorities to be re-evaluated.
How do we apply LEAN to ERP system implementations? Traditionally, a 'waterfall' approach is used on ERP projects. This means that you would design the solution first; and then configure the ERP software; and then test it. Using this traditional approach, project teams would have spent a lot of money and time before finding issues that may have required going back to changing the solution design, or system configuration.
But LEAN CAN be used to make ERP system implemenations more effective. This is how:
- Spend time up front in getting requirements correct to avoid waste due to developing functionality that is not needed or defects.
- Break down Design concepts by critical business subprocesses or functional areas that can be tested and validated against business requirements.
- Plan iterative Design / Build / Test activities around these functional sub-system designs.
- Creating Learning Cycles around the Build and Test activities. This will reduce training effort and better utilize people's time.
- Align business processes around ERP system functionality – maximize asset usage; avoid having to customize the system more than you need.
- Avoid complex project plans. Use a milestone plan to drive achievement of project objectives. Use of Work Packages to breakdown work activities, if more detail is needed at that level. These Work Packages should be build around the iteration cycles that will lead to rapid deployment of the system.
- Rapid deployment – design, build, test and review pieces of the solution. This requires user involvement during design, testing and review – knowledge transfer reduces training effort of traditional methodologies.
- Document of design and review decisions – capture knowledge
- a quick, interactive process to achieve flow in the development process, and
- a knowledge capture process to improve quality, reuse, and repeatability of information developed in the interactive cycles
Building a Business Case for an Improvement Project
- One time costs to implement solution. Eg. project time & expense costs, hardware and software purcahses, etc.
- Recuring costs. Eg. depreciation, training, licensing, etc.
- Increased number of customers
- Improved revenue per customer
- Improved customer retention
- Reduction in sales discounts
- Reduction in penalties, returns & credit notes
- Software portfolio consolidation
- IT maintenance cost reduction
- Reduction in capital costs
- Labor savings (by department)
- Improved cash collections
- Reduced stock holdings
- Faster training
- Other one-time benefits (
- Other monthly benefits
Business Case Metrics
- Payback. Payback period refers to the period of time required for the return on the project investment to "repay" the sum of the original investment. Calculating Payback Period using Excel
- Net Present Value: NPV measures the excesses of shortfalls of cash flows over time in terms of present value of the cash. Calculating NPV using Excel
- Internal Rate of Return: A project is a good investment if its IRR is greater than the rate of return that could be earned by alternative investments (investing in other projects, or even putting the money in the bank). IRR will be expressed as a percentage. Calculating IRR using Excel
Quicker System Implementations – Quicker Benefits
Even though these methodologies are not new, the execution of these methodologies in large ERP system implementations is not widespread as it should be. There could be several reasons for this. If you are a large consulting company with a big bench, it may not be in your interest to propose a shorter implementation with a smaller team!! However, I like to believe today the consulting industry is competitive enough so that businesses are smart enough to look around and get the best deal when implementing their systems.
I bigger hurdle to getting to rapid deployment with ERP projects is the planning for such a project. Rapid deployment/ lean approaches depend on breaking down the work into pieces that can be designed, built and tested in parallel. This requires a thorough understanding of business processes, business requirements, and of the ERP application – in planning the project! Project Preparation is therefore crucial in getting a rapid deployment project executed correctly. These pieces of the project can be defined as Work Packages or Learning Cycles. Some companies prefer calling these Learning Cycles, as that emphasizes the fact that the team needs to be continually learning through design, built and test to ensure the highest quality of the end product.
This approach requires early availability of system infrastructure for development and for testing / quality assurance.
This approach also requires early involvement of the user community in testing and QA activities. This supports early knowledge transfer, and thus reduces training efforts closer to go-live.
- Leveraging what is there! Building on what we know. Not re-inventing the wheel = innovation.
- Sharper requirements - stay focused on meeting business requirements. Less "fluff" in development.
- Reduced rework through quick design-to-test cycles.
- Learning cycles built into development - faster knowledge transfer.
- Controlled scope = simpler project plans and lower overhead. Milestone plans drive project performance.
Project Management for Dummies
and Closing
Project Integration,
Project Scope,
Project Time,
Project Cost,
Project Quality,
Project Human Resources,
Project Communications,
Project Risk Management
and Project Procurement.
Project Management Resources
Here are a few Project Management Resources on the web that I have found useful recently. I will add to this item as I find others. Feel free to send me links that you have found useful.
The Project Management Institute is the grandaddy of all PM sites. This is the 'duh' site for PMs where you get information on events, 'know-how' and certification - and so I have included it here.
Association for Project Management is the UK-based PM association. They have a good site with links to great PM resources. They have recently released the 4th edition of the APM Body of Knwoledge to APM non-members.
Ever looked a template for a project deliverable. Ganttheat has great resources for PMs, including good documents & templates to accelerate your project documentation.
The Project Management Podcast
Cornelius Fichtner, PMP does a great job with this Blog. He seems to work hard to get the latest and greatest from the PM world, and so this Blog has useful links to PM resources and relevant news. I enjoy the Podcast as well.
IT toolbox - Project Management Knowledge Base.
ITtoolbox is a great knowledge base for IT topics in general and specifically around IT Project Management. They also have a Wiki which helps to grow their knowledge base. Good stuff.
TechLINKS is an online technology magazine focused on Georgia businesses (they also have a print edition). They have a Community Publishing area where you will find some interesting items on Project Management too.
Mario Alexandrou is a IT PM based in New York who has a nice website. His Methodologies page is a good primer for IT methodologies.
Managing Requirements
Managing requirements on software development projects has always been critical to the success of these types of projects. The tools and methods around these are well documented (try Google-ing “Requirement Management Tools”). However, Managing Requirements is rarely appears as an activity on system implementation projects.
System implementation methodologies will include the definition of requirements. For example, the SAP ASAP methodology (now incorporated in SAP Solution Manager) includes this during the Blueprinting Phase. However, this and most other implementation methodologies, assume that these requirements will not change. And in a perfect world, they will not, and you can design, develop, test and implement a business solution based on these stated requirements.
However, the world is not perfect!
Requirements management involves establishing and maintaining agreement between the business and the project team on both system and business related requirements. This agreement forms the basis for estimating, planning, performing, and tracking project activities throughout the project and for maintaining and enhancing the developed solution. Key activities include:
- planning the requirements phase
- establishing the requirements process
- controlling requirements changes
- minimizing the addition of new requirements (scope creep)
- tracking progress - tracing built-to requirements against original requirements
- resolving issues with customers and developers
- holding requirements reviews