The Importance of Your Brand

When it comes to your image, are you hitting hard or striking out? Cover all your bases with these 4 critical elements of a winning brand.

What instantly springs to mind when customers hear your company name? If you're uncertain--or even worse, stuck with a less-than-stellar image--it's time to give your brand an overhaul. It's no coincidence that industry leaders in every category from soft drinks to spas toil endlessly to create some of the world's most recognized brands. But it doesn't have to cost millions or take years to put your company's branding efforts on track.

Kim Gordon writes about this in the August edition of Entrepreneur magazine. Kim suggest that you just follow these four guidelines to create a winning brand image.

1. Differentiate your brand.
2. Promise value.
3. Be a market leader.

4. Integrate your messages.

... more


Kim's Small Business Tip Of The Week
Out-of-home advertising is one of the few marketing tactics that will match a local sales territory. You can put your message exactly where it will reach your prospects, tailoring your buy to eliminate waste. You can buy just a single outdoor billboard or 20 to reach commuters in Atlanta, and you can reach tourists in Key West with taxi-top ads or by advertising on the backs of the pedicabs that transport passengers up and down famous Duval Street in front of the bars and restaurants. This ability to pinpoint your prospects by using different types of advertising media in highly specific locations can make out-of-home advertising extremely cost effective. You can choose the out-of-home advertising option that fits your type of business and budget.
From Chapter 5, "Think Outside the Box"
Read more about it in Maximum Marketing, Minimum Dollars
Kim Gordon's website:

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